ember / 2.18.0 / routing / rendering-a-template.html /

Rendering a Template

One job of a route handler is rendering the appropriate template to the screen.

By default, a route handler will render the template with the same name as the route. Take this router:

Router.map(function() {
  this.route('posts', function() {

Here, the posts route will render the posts.hbs template, and the posts.new route will render posts/new.hbs.

Each template will be rendered into the {{outlet}} of its parent route's template. For example, the posts.new route will render its template into the posts.hbs's {{outlet}}, and the posts route will render its template into the application.hbs's {{outlet}}.

If you want to render a template other than the default one, set the route's templateName property to the name of the template you want to render instead.

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';

export default Route.extend({
  templateName: 'posts/favorite-posts'

You can override the renderTemplate() hook if you want finer control over template rendering. Among other things, it allows you to choose the controller used to configure the template and specific outlet to render it into.

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