numpy / 1.21.4 / reference / generated / numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polynomial.convert.html /



polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial. convert ( domain=None, kind=None, window=None ) [source]

Convert series to a different kind and/or domain and/or window.

domain array_like, optional

The domain of the converted series. If the value is None, the default domain of kind is used.

kind class, optional

The polynomial series type class to which the current instance should be converted. If kind is None, then the class of the current instance is used.

window array_like, optional

The window of the converted series. If the value is None, the default window of kind is used.

new_series series

The returned class can be of different type than the current instance and/or have a different domain and/or different window.


Conversion between domains and class types can result in numerically ill defined series.

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