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IntervalArray. overlaps ( other ) [source]

Check elementwise if an Interval overlaps the values in the IntervalArray.

Two intervals overlap if they share a common point, including closed endpoints. Intervals that only have an open endpoint in common do not overlap.

other :IntervalArray

Interval to check against for an overlap.


Boolean array positionally indicating where an overlap occurs.

See also


Check whether two Interval objects overlap.


>>> data = [(0, 1), (1, 3), (2, 4)]
>>> intervals = pd.arrays.IntervalArray.from_tuples(data)
>>> intervals
[(0, 1], (1, 3], (2, 4]]
Length: 3, dtype: interval[int64, right]
>>> intervals.overlaps(pd.Interval(0.5, 1.5))
array([ True,  True, False])

Intervals that share closed endpoints overlap:

>>> intervals.overlaps(pd.Interval(1, 3, closed='left'))
array([ True,  True, True])

Intervals that only have an open endpoint in common do not overlap:

>>> intervals.overlaps(pd.Interval(1, 2, closed='right'))
array([False,  True, False])

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