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Logger package

Provides basic logging facilities. For most use cases, the StringLogger class will be used. On construction, it takes 2 parameters and a 3rd optional parameter:

  • LogLevel below which no output will be logged
  • OutStream to log to
  • Optional LogFormatter

If you need to log arbitrary objects, take a look at ObjectLogger[A] which can log arbitrary objects so long as you provide it a lambda to covert from A to String.

API Philosophy

The API for using Logger is an attempt to abide by the Pony philosophy of first, be correct and secondly, aim for performance. One of the ways that logging can slow your system down is by having to evaluate expressions to be logged whether they will be logged or not (based on the level of logging). For example:

logger.log(Warn, name + ": " + reason)

will construct a new String regardless of whether we will end up logging the message or not.

The Logger API uses boolean short circuiting to avoid this.

logger(Warn) and logger.log(name + ": " + reason)

will not evaluate the expression to be logged unless the log level Warn is at or above the overall log level for our logging. This is as close as we can get to zero cost for items that aren't going to end up being logged.

Example programs

String Logger

The following program will output 'my warn message' and 'my error message' to STDOUT in the standard default log format.

use "logger"

actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>
    let logger = StringLogger(

    logger(Fine) and logger.log("my fine message")
    logger(Info) and logger.log("my info message")
    logger(Warn) and logger.log("my warn message")
    logger(Error) and logger.log("my error message")


The following program will output '42' to STDOUT in the standard default log format.

use "logger"

actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>
    let logger = Logger[U64](Fine, env.out, {(a) => a.string() })

    logger(Error) and logger.log(U64(42))

Custom formatting your logs

The Logger package provides an interface for formatting logs. If you wish to override the standard formatting, you can create an object that implements:

interface val LogFormatter
  fun apply(
    msg: String,
    file_name: String,
    file_linenum: String,
    file_linepos: String): String

This can either be a class or because the interface only has a single apply method, can also be a lambda.

Public Types

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Licensed under the BSD 2-Clause License.