symfony / 2.8.28 / symfony / component / intl / util / svncommit.html /


class SvnCommit

An SVN commit.


__construct(SimpleXMLElement $svnInfo)

Creates a commit from the given "svn info" data.

string getRevision()

Returns the revision of the commit.

string getAuthor()

Returns the author of the commit.

string getDate()

Returns the date of the commit.


__construct(SimpleXMLElement $svnInfo)

Creates a commit from the given "svn info" data.


SimpleXMLElement $svnInfo the XML result from the "svn info" command

string getRevision()

Returns the revision of the commit.

Return Value

string The revision of the commit

string getAuthor()

Returns the author of the commit.

Return Value

string The author name

string getDate()

Returns the date of the commit.

Return Value

string The commit date

© 2004–2017 Fabien Potencier
Licensed under the MIT License.