symfony / 3.1.8 / symfony / component / intl / resourcebundle / abstractbundle.html /


class AbstractBundle implements ResourceBundleInterface

Base class for {@link ResourceBundleInterface} implementations.


__construct(string $path, StructuredBundleReaderInterface $reader)

Creates a bundle at the given path using the given reader for reading bundle entries.

string[] getLocales()

Returns the list of locales that this bundle supports.


__construct(string $path, StructuredBundleReaderInterface $reader)

Creates a bundle at the given path using the given reader for reading bundle entries.


string $path The path to the bundle.
StructuredBundleReaderInterface $reader The reader for reading the bundle.

string[] getLocales()

Returns the list of locales that this bundle supports.

Return Value

string[] A list of locale codes.

© 2004–2017 Fabien Potencier
Licensed under the MIT License.