
This is a simple utility for consuming data points from collectors while a TSD, HBase or HDFS is underoing maintenance. The script should be run on the same port as a TSD and accepts data in the put Telnet style. Data points are then written directly to disk in a format that can be used with the import command once HBase is back up.


tsddrain.py <port> <directory>
Name Data Type Description Default Example
port Integer The TCP port to listen on   4242
directory String Path to a directory where data files should be written. A file is created for each client with the IP address of the client as the file name,   /opt/temptsd/


./tsddrain.py 4242 /opt/temptsd/


On succesfully binding to the default IPv4 address and port it will simply print out the line below and start writing. When you're ready to resume using a TSD, simply kill the process.

Use Ctrl-C to stop me.


Tsddrain does not accept HTTP input at this time.


Test throughput on your systems to make sure it handles the load properly. Since it writes each point to disk immediately this can result in a huge disk IO load so very large OpenTSDB installations may require a larger number of drains than TSDs.
