
Varnish是功能强大的 HTTP 负载平衡器(反向代理),在缓存方面也非常出色。当运行多个 TSD 时,Varnish 可方便地在 TSD 上分配 HTTP 流量。请记住,默认情况下,写入流量不会使用 HTTP 协议,因此,您只能将 Varnish 用于读取查询。使用 Varnish 将帮助您轻松扩展 TSD 群集的读取容量。

以下是建议与 OpenTSDB 一起使用的示例 Varnish 配置。它使用稍微自定义的负载平衡策略来在 TSD 级别上实现最佳的缓存命中率。此配置至少需要运行 Varnish 2.1.0,但强烈建议使用 Varnish 3.0 或更高版本。


# VCL configuration for OpenTSDB.

backend foo {
    .host = "foo";
    .port = "4242";
    .probe = {
        .url = "/version";
        .interval = 30s;
        .timeout = 10s;
        .window = 5;
        .threshold = 3;

backend bar {
    .host = "bar";
    .port = "4242";
    .probe = {
        .url = "/version";
        .interval = 30s;
        .timeout = 10s;
        .window = 5;
        .threshold = 3;

# The `client' director will select a backend based on `client.identity'.
# It's normally used to implement session stickiness but here we abuse it
# to try to send pairs of requests to the same TSD, in order to achieve a
# higher cache hit rate.  The UI sends queries first with a "&json" at the
# end, in order to get meta-data back about the results, and then it sends
# the same query again with "&png".  If the second query goes to a different
# TSD, then that TSD will have to fetch the data from HBase again.  Whereas
# if it goes to the same TSD that served the "&json" query, it'll hit the
# cache of that TSD and produce the PNG directly without using HBase.
# Note that we cannot use the `hash' director here, because otherwise Varnish
# would hash both the "&json" and the "&png" requests identically, and it
# would thus serve a cached JSON response to a "&png" request.
director tsd client {
    { .backend = foo; .weight = 100; }
    { .backend = bar; .weight = 100; }

sub vcl_recv {
    set req.backend = tsd;
    # Make sure we hit the same backend based on the URL requested,
    # but ignore some parameters before hashing the URL.
    set client.identity = regsuball(req.url, "&(o|ignore|png|json|html|y2?range|y2?label|y2?log|key|nokey)\b(=[^&]*)?", "");

sub vcl_hash {
    # Remove the `ignore' parameter from the URL we hash, so that two
    # identical requests modulo that parameter will hit Varnish's cache.
    hash_data(regsuball(req.url, "&ignore\b(=[^&]*)?", ""));
    if (req.http.host) {
    } else {
    return (hash);

在许多 Linux 发行版(包括 Debian 和 Ubuntu)上,您需要将上面的配置放在/etc/varnish/default.vcl中。我们还建议调整varnishd的命令行参数,以便在负担得起的情况下使用约 1GB 的内存支持的缓存。在 Debian/Ubuntu 系统上,这可以通过编辑/etc/default/varnish来确保将-s malloc,1G传递给varnishd来完成。

阅读有关 Varnish 的更多信息:


如果您使用的是 Varnish 2.x(不建议这样做,因为我们强烈建议您迁移到 3.x),则必须替换每个函数调用hash_data(foo);以在上面的 VCL 配置中设置req.hash += foo;
