Annotation Type FromDataPoints

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface FromDataPoints
    Annotating a parameter of a @Theory method with @FromDataPoints will limit the datapoints considered as potential values for that parameter to just the DataPoints with the given name. DataPoint names can be given as the value parameter of the @DataPoints annotation.

    DataPoints without names will not be considered as values for any parameters annotated with @FromDataPoints.

     public static String[] unnamed = new String[] { ... };
     public static String[] regexStrings = new String[] { ... };
     @DataPoints({"forMatching", "alphanumeric"})
     public static String[] testStrings = new String[] { ... }; 
     public void stringTheory(String param) {
         // This will be called with every value in 'regexStrings',
         // 'testStrings' and 'unnamed'.
     public void regexTheory(@FromDataPoints("regexes") String regex,
                             @FromDataPoints("forMatching") String value) {
         // This will be called with only the values in 'regexStrings' as 
         // regex, only the values in 'testStrings' as value, and none 
         // of the values in 'unnamed'.
    See Also:
    Theory, DataPoint, DataPoints
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and TypeRequired ElementDescription