Class PrefixMetricGroupExporter

    • Constructor Detail

      • PrefixMetricGroupExporter

        public PrefixMetricGroupExporter​(PrefixMetricReader reader,
                                         PrefixMetricWriter writer,
                                         String prefix)
        Create a new exporter for metrics to a writer based on a prefix for the metric names.
        reader - a reader as the source of metrics
        writer - the writer to send the metrics to
        prefix - the prefix for metrics to export
    • Method Detail

      • setGroups

        public void setGroups​(Set<String> groups)
        The groups to export.
        groups - the groups to set
      • groups

        protected Iterable<Stringgroups()
        Description copied from class: AbstractMetricExporter
        Generate a group of metrics to iterate over in the form of a set of Strings (e.g. prefixes). If the metrics to be exported partition into groups identified by a String, subclasses should override this method. Otherwise the default should be fine (iteration over all metrics).
        groups in class AbstractMetricExporter
        groups of metrics to iterate over (default singleton empty string)