Annotation Type ConditionalOnEnabledEndpoint

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface ConditionalOnEnabledEndpoint
    Conditional that checks whether an endpoint is enabled or not. Matches according to the endpoints specific Environment property, falling back to management.endpoints.enabled-by-default or failing that Endpoint.enableByDefault().

    When placed on a @Bean method, the endpoint defaults to the return type of the factory method:

     public class MyConfiguration {
         public MyEndpoint myEndpoint() {

    It is also possible to use the same mechanism for extensions:

     public class MyConfiguration {
         public MyEndpointWebExtension myEndpointWebExtension() {

    In the sample above, MyEndpointWebExtension will be created if the endpoint is enabled as defined by the rules above. MyEndpointWebExtension must be a regular extension that refers to an endpoint, something like:

     @EndpointWebExtension(endpoint = MyEndpoint.class)
     public class MyEndpointWebExtension {

    Alternatively, the target endpoint can be manually specified for components that should only be created when a given endpoint is enabled:

     public class MyConfiguration {
         @ConditionalOnEnableEndpoint(endpoint = MyEndpoint.class)
         public MyComponent myComponent() {
    See Also:
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and TypeOptional ElementDescription
      The endpoint type that should be checked.
    • Element Detail

      • endpoint

        Class<?> endpoint
        The endpoint type that should be checked. Inferred when the return type of the @Bean method is either an Endpoint or an EndpointExtension.
        the endpoint type to check