Class WebSocketServletAutoConfiguration

  • @Configuration
    public class WebSocketServletAutoConfiguration
    extends Object
    Auto configuration for WebSocket servlet server in embedded Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow. Requires the appropriate WebSocket modules to be on the classpath.

    If Tomcat's WebSocket support is detected on the classpath we add a customizer that installs the Tomcat WebSocket initializer. In a non-embedded server it should already be there.

    If Jetty's WebSocket support is detected on the classpath we add a configuration that configures the context with WebSocket support. In a non-embedded server it should already be there.

    If Undertow's WebSocket support is detected on the classpath we add a customizer that installs the Undertow WebSocket DeploymentInfo Customizer. In a non-embedded server it should already be there.