Interface ConfigurableTomcatWebServerFactory

    • Method Detail

      • setBaseDirectory

        void setBaseDirectory​(File baseDirectory)
        Set the Tomcat base directory. If not specified a temporary directory will be used.
        baseDirectory - the tomcat base directory
      • setBackgroundProcessorDelay

        void setBackgroundProcessorDelay​(int delay)
        Sets the background processor delay in seconds.
        delay - the delay in seconds
      • addEngineValves

        void addEngineValves​(org.apache.catalina.Valve... engineValves)
        Add Valves that should be applied to the Tomcat Engine.
        engineValves - the valves to add
      • setUriEncoding

        void setUriEncoding​(Charset uriEncoding)
        Set the character encoding to use for URL decoding. If not specified 'UTF-8' will be used.
        uriEncoding - the uri encoding to set