Class TypeMismatchException

    • Constructor Detail

      • TypeMismatchException

        public TypeMismatchException​(PropertyChangeEvent propertyChangeEvent,
                                     Class<?> requiredType)
        Create a new TypeMismatchException.
        propertyChangeEvent - the PropertyChangeEvent that resulted in the problem
        requiredType - the required target type
      • TypeMismatchException

        public TypeMismatchException​(PropertyChangeEvent propertyChangeEvent,
                                     Class<?> requiredType,
                                     Throwable cause)
        Create a new TypeMismatchException.
        propertyChangeEvent - the PropertyChangeEvent that resulted in the problem
        requiredType - the required target type (or null if not known)
        cause - the root cause (may be null)
      • TypeMismatchException

        public TypeMismatchException​(Object value,
                                     Class<?> requiredType)
        Create a new TypeMismatchException without a PropertyChangeEvent.
        value - the offending value that couldn't be converted (may be null)
        requiredType - the required target type (or null if not known)
      • TypeMismatchException

        public TypeMismatchException​(Object value,
                                     Class<?> requiredType,
                                     Throwable cause)
        Create a new TypeMismatchException without a PropertyChangeEvent.
        value - the offending value that couldn't be converted (may be null)
        requiredType - the required target type (or null if not known)
        cause - the root cause (may be null)