Annotation Type CacheConfig

  • @Target(TYPE)
    public @interface CacheConfig
    @CacheConfig provides a mechanism for sharing common cache-related settings at the class level.

    When this annotation is present on a given class, it provides a set of default settings for any cache operation defined in that class.

    Stephane Nicoll, Sam Brannen
    • Element Detail

      • cacheNames

        String[] cacheNames
        Names of the default caches to consider for caching operations defined in the annotated class.

        If none is set at the operation level, these are used instead of the default.

        May be used to determine the target cache (or caches), matching the qualifier value or the bean names of a specific bean definition.

      • keyGenerator

        String keyGenerator
        The bean name of the default KeyGenerator to use for the class.

        If none is set at the operation level, this one is used instead of the default.

        The key generator is mutually exclusive with the use of a custom key. When such key is defined for the operation, the value of this key generator is ignored.

      • cacheResolver

        String cacheResolver
        The bean name of the custom CacheResolver to use.

        If no resolver and no cache manager are set at the operation level, this one is used instead of the default.
