Class ContextJndiBeanFactoryLocator

    • Method Detail

      • useBeanFactory

        public BeanFactoryReference useBeanFactory​(String factoryKey)
                                            throws BeansException
        Load/use a bean factory, as specified by a factory key which is a JNDI address, of the form java:comp/env/ejb/BeanFactoryPath. The contents of this JNDI location must be a string containing one or more classpath resource names (separated by any of the delimiters ',; \t\n' if there is more than one. The resulting BeanFactory (or ApplicationContext) will be created from the combined resources.
        Specified by:
        useBeanFactory in interface BeanFactoryLocator
        factoryKey - a resource name specifying which BeanFactory the BeanFactoryLocator must return for usage. The actual meaning of the resource name is specific to the implementation of BeanFactoryLocator.
        the BeanFactory instance, wrapped as a BeanFactoryReference object
        BeansException - if there is an error loading or accessing the BeanFactory
        See Also:
      • createBeanFactory

        protected BeanFactoryReference createBeanFactory​(String[] resources)
                                                  throws BeansException
        Create the BeanFactory instance, given an array of class path resource Strings which should be combined. This is split out as a separate method so that subclasses can override the actual BeanFactory implementation class.

        Delegates to createApplicationContext by default, wrapping the result in a ContextBeanFactoryReference.

        resources - an array of Strings representing classpath resource names
        the created BeanFactory, wrapped in a BeanFactoryReference (for example, a ContextBeanFactoryReference wrapping an ApplicationContext)
        BeansException - if factory creation failed
        See Also:
        createApplicationContext(java.lang.String[]), ContextBeanFactoryReference
      • createApplicationContext

        protected ApplicationContext createApplicationContext​(String[] resources)
                                                       throws BeansException
        Create the ApplicationContext instance, given an array of class path resource Strings which should be combined
        resources - an array of Strings representing classpath resource names
        the created ApplicationContext
        BeansException - if context creation failed