Class TemplateParserContext

    • Constructor Detail

      • TemplateParserContext

        public TemplateParserContext()
        Create a new TemplateParserContext with the default "#{" prefix and "}" suffix.
      • TemplateParserContext

        public TemplateParserContext​(String expressionPrefix,
                                     String expressionSuffix)
        Create a new TemplateParserContext for the given prefix and suffix.
        expressionPrefix - the expression prefix to use
        expressionSuffix - the expression suffix to use
    • Method Detail

      • isTemplate

        public final boolean isTemplate()
        Description copied from interface: ParserContext
        Whether or not the expression being parsed is a template. A template expression consists of literal text that can be mixed with evaluatable blocks. Some examples:
                   Some literal text
             Hello #{name.firstName}!
             #{3 + 4}
        Specified by:
        isTemplate in interface ParserContext
        true if the expression is a template, false otherwise
      • getExpressionPrefix

        public final String getExpressionPrefix()
        Description copied from interface: ParserContext
        For template expressions, returns the prefix that identifies the start of an expression block within a string. For example: "${"
        Specified by:
        getExpressionPrefix in interface ParserContext
        the prefix that identifies the start of an expression
      • getExpressionSuffix

        public final String getExpressionSuffix()
        Description copied from interface: ParserContext
        For template expressions, return the prefix that identifies the end of an expression block within a string. For example: "}"
        Specified by:
        getExpressionSuffix in interface ParserContext
        the suffix that identifies the end of an expression