Class ReflectiveMethodResolver

    • Constructor Detail

      • ReflectiveMethodResolver

        public ReflectiveMethodResolver​(boolean useDistance)
        This constructor allows the ReflectiveMethodResolver to be configured such that it will use a distance computation to check which is the better of two close matches (when there are multiple matches). Using the distance computation is intended to ensure matches are more closely representative of what a Java compiler would do when taking into account boxing/unboxing and whether the method candidates are declared to handle a supertype of the type (of the argument) being passed in.
        useDistance - true if distance computation should be used when calculating matches; false otherwise
    • Method Detail

      • registerMethodFilter

        public void registerMethodFilter​(Class<?> type,
                                         MethodFilter filter)
        Register a filter for methods on the given type.
        type - the type to filter on
        filter - the corresponding method filter, or null to clear any filter for the given type
      • resolve

        public MethodExecutor resolve​(EvaluationContext context,
                                      Object targetObject,
                                      String name,
                                      List<TypeDescriptor> argumentTypes)
                               throws AccessException
        Locate a method on a type. There are three kinds of match that might occur:
        1. an exact match where the types of the arguments match the types of the constructor
        2. an in-exact match where the types we are looking for are subtypes of those defined on the constructor
        3. a match where we are able to convert the arguments into those expected by the constructor, according to the registered type converter
        Specified by:
        resolve in interface MethodResolver
        context - the current evaluation context
        targetObject - the object upon which the method is being called
        argumentTypes - the arguments that the constructor must be able to handle
        a MethodExecutor that can invoke the method, or null if the method cannot be found
      • getMethods

        protected Method[] getMethods​(Class<?> type)
        Return the set of methods for this type. The default implementation returns the result of Class.getMethods() for the given type, but subclasses may override in order to alter the results, e.g. specifying static methods declared elsewhere.
        type - the class for which to return the methods
      • isCandidateForInvocation

        protected boolean isCandidateForInvocation​(Method method,
                                                   Class<?> targetClass)
        Determine whether the given Method is a candidate for method resolution on an instance of the given target class.

        The default implementation considers any method as a candidate, even for static methods sand non-user-declared methods on the Object base class.

        method - the Method to evaluate
        targetClass - the concrete target class that is being introspected