Class SqlOutParameter

    • Constructor Detail

      • SqlOutParameter

        public SqlOutParameter​(String name,
                               int sqlType)
        Create a new SqlOutParameter.
        name - name of the parameter, as used in input and output maps
        sqlType - SQL type of the parameter according to java.sql.Types
      • SqlOutParameter

        public SqlOutParameter​(String name,
                               int sqlType,
                               int scale)
        Create a new SqlOutParameter.
        name - name of the parameter, as used in input and output maps
        sqlType - SQL type of the parameter according to java.sql.Types
        scale - the number of digits after the decimal point (for DECIMAL and NUMERIC types)
      • SqlOutParameter

        public SqlOutParameter​(String name,
                               int sqlType,
                               String typeName)
        Create a new SqlOutParameter.
        name - name of the parameter, as used in input and output maps
        sqlType - SQL type of the parameter according to java.sql.Types
        typeName - the type name of the parameter (optional)
      • SqlOutParameter

        public SqlOutParameter​(String name,
                               int sqlType,
                               String typeName,
                               SqlReturnType sqlReturnType)
        Create a new SqlOutParameter.
        name - name of the parameter, as used in input and output maps
        sqlType - SQL type of the parameter according to java.sql.Types
        typeName - the type name of the parameter (optional)
        sqlReturnType - custom value handler for complex type (optional)
      • SqlOutParameter

        public SqlOutParameter​(String name,
                               int sqlType,
                               ResultSetExtractor<?> rse)
        Create a new SqlOutParameter.
        name - name of the parameter, as used in input and output maps
        sqlType - SQL type of the parameter according to java.sql.Types
        rse - ResultSetExtractor to use for parsing the ResultSet
      • SqlOutParameter

        public SqlOutParameter​(String name,
                               int sqlType,
                               RowCallbackHandler rch)
        Create a new SqlOutParameter.
        name - name of the parameter, as used in input and output maps
        sqlType - SQL type of the parameter according to java.sql.Types
        rch - RowCallbackHandler to use for parsing the ResultSet
      • SqlOutParameter

        public SqlOutParameter​(String name,
                               int sqlType,
                               RowMapper<?> rm)
        Create a new SqlOutParameter.
        name - name of the parameter, as used in input and output maps
        sqlType - SQL type of the parameter according to java.sql.Types
        rm - RowMapper to use for parsing the ResultSet