Class SqlOperation

    • Method Detail

      • onCompileInternal

        protected void onCompileInternal()
        Hook method that subclasses may override to post-process compilation. This implementation does nothing.
        See Also:
      • getParsedSql

        protected ParsedSql getParsedSql()
        Obtain a parsed representation of this operation's SQL statement.

        Typically used for named parameter parsing.

      • newPreparedStatementCreator

        protected final PreparedStatementCreator newPreparedStatementCreator​(String sqlToUse,
                                                                             Object[] params)
        Return a PreparedStatementCreator to perform an operation with the given parameters.
        sqlToUse - the actual SQL statement to use (if different from the factory's, for example because of named parameter expanding)
        params - the parameter array (may be null)