Interface StompSessionHandler

    • Method Detail

      • afterConnected

        void afterConnected​(StompSession session,
                            StompHeaders connectedHeaders)
        Invoked when the session is ready to use, i.e. after the underlying transport (TCP, WebSocket) is connected and a STOMP CONNECTED frame is received from the broker.
        session - the client STOMP session
        connectedHeaders - the STOMP CONNECTED frame headers
      • handleException

        void handleException​(StompSession session,
                             StompCommand command,
                             StompHeaders headers,
                             byte[] payload,
                             Throwable exception)
        Handle any exception arising while processing a STOMP frame such as a failure to convert the payload or an unhandled exception in the application StompFrameHandler.
        session - the client STOMP session
        command - the STOMP command of the frame
        headers - the headers
        payload - the raw payload
        exception - the exception