Class SpringBeanJobFactory

    • Method Detail

      • setIgnoredUnknownProperties

        public void setIgnoredUnknownProperties​(String... ignoredUnknownProperties)
        Specify the unknown properties (not found in the bean) that should be ignored.

        Default is null, indicating that all unknown properties should be ignored. Specify an empty array to throw an exception in case of any unknown properties, or a list of property names that should be ignored if there is no corresponding property found on the particular job class (all other unknown properties will still trigger an exception).

      • createJobInstance

        protected Object createJobInstance​(TriggerFiredBundle bundle)
                                    throws Exception
        Create the job instance, populating it with property values taken from the scheduler context, job data map and trigger data map.
        createJobInstance in class AdaptableJobFactory
        bundle - the TriggerFiredBundle from which the JobDetail and other info relating to the trigger firing can be obtained
        the job instance
        Exception - if job instantiation failed
      • isEligibleForPropertyPopulation

        protected boolean isEligibleForPropertyPopulation​(Object jobObject)
        Return whether the given job object is eligible for having its bean properties populated.

        The default implementation ignores QuartzJobBean instances, which will inject bean properties themselves.

        jobObject - the job object to introspect
        See Also: