Class JsonPathRequestMatchers

    • Method Detail

      • value

        public <T> RequestMatcher value​(Matcher<T> matcher)
        Evaluate the JSON path expression against the request content and assert the resulting value with the given Hamcrest Matcher.
      • value

        public <T> RequestMatcher value​(Matcher<T> matcher,
                                        Class<T> targetType)
        An overloaded variant of value(Matcher) that also accepts a target type for the resulting value that the matcher can work reliably against.

        This can be useful for matching numbers reliably — for example, to coerce an integer into a double.

      • value

        public RequestMatcher value​(Object expectedValue)
        Evaluate the JSON path expression against the request content and assert that the result is equal to the supplied value.
      • exists

        public RequestMatcher exists()
        Evaluate the JSON path expression against the request content and assert that a non-null value exists at the given path.

        If the JSON path expression is not definite, this method asserts that the value at the given path is not empty.

      • doesNotExist

        public RequestMatcher doesNotExist()
        Evaluate the JSON path expression against the request content and assert that a value does not exist at the given path.

        If the JSON path expression is not definite, this method asserts that the value at the given path is empty.

      • isString

        public RequestMatcher isString()
        Evaluate the JSON path expression against the request content and assert that the result is a String.
      • isBoolean

        public RequestMatcher isBoolean()
        Evaluate the JSON path expression against the request content and assert that the result is a Boolean.
      • isNumber

        public RequestMatcher isNumber()
        Evaluate the JSON path expression against the request content and assert that the result is a Number.
      • isArray

        public RequestMatcher isArray()
        Evaluate the JSON path expression against the request content and assert that the result is an array.
      • isMap

        public RequestMatcher isMap()
        Evaluate the JSON path expression against the request content and assert that the result is a Map.