Class CollectionUtils

  • public abstract class CollectionUtils
    extends Object
    Miscellaneous collection utility methods. Mainly for internal use within the framework.
    Juergen Hoeller, Rob Harrop, Arjen Poutsma
    • Method Detail

      • isEmpty

        public static boolean isEmpty​(Collection<?> collection)
        Return true if the supplied Collection is null or empty. Otherwise, return false.
        collection - the Collection to check
        whether the given Collection is empty
      • isEmpty

        public static boolean isEmpty​(Map<?,​?> map)
        Return true if the supplied Map is null or empty. Otherwise, return false.
        map - the Map to check
        whether the given Map is empty
      • arrayToList

        public static List arrayToList​(Object source)
        Convert the supplied array into a List. A primitive array gets converted into a List of the appropriate wrapper type.

        NOTE: Generally prefer the standard Arrays.asList(T...) method. This arrayToList method is just meant to deal with an incoming Object value that might be an Object[] or a primitive array at runtime.

        A null source value will be converted to an empty List.

        source - the (potentially primitive) array
        the converted List result
        See Also:
        ObjectUtils.toObjectArray(Object), Arrays.asList(Object[])
      • mergeArrayIntoCollection

        public static <E> void mergeArrayIntoCollection​(Object array,
                                                        Collection<E> collection)
        Merge the given array into the given Collection.
        array - the array to merge (may be null)
        collection - the target Collection to merge the array into
      • mergePropertiesIntoMap

        public static <K,​V> void mergePropertiesIntoMap​(Properties props,
                                                              Map<K,​V> map)
        Merge the given Properties instance into the given Map, copying all properties (key-value pairs) over.

        Uses Properties.propertyNames() to even catch default properties linked into the original Properties instance.

        props - the Properties instance to merge (may be null)
        map - the target Map to merge the properties into
      • contains

        public static boolean contains​(Iterator<?> iterator,
                                       Object element)
        Check whether the given Iterator contains the given element.
        iterator - the Iterator to check
        element - the element to look for
        true if found, false otherwise
      • contains

        public static boolean contains​(Enumeration<?> enumeration,
                                       Object element)
        Check whether the given Enumeration contains the given element.
        enumeration - the Enumeration to check
        element - the element to look for
        true if found, false otherwise
      • containsInstance

        public static boolean containsInstance​(Collection<?> collection,
                                               Object element)
        Check whether the given Collection contains the given element instance.

        Enforces the given instance to be present, rather than returning true for an equal element as well.

        collection - the Collection to check
        element - the element to look for
        true if found, false otherwise
      • containsAny

        public static boolean containsAny​(Collection<?> source,
                                          Collection<?> candidates)
        Return true if any element in 'candidates' is contained in 'source'; otherwise returns false.
        source - the source Collection
        candidates - the candidates to search for
        whether any of the candidates has been found
      • findFirstMatch

        public static <E> E findFirstMatch​(Collection<?> source,
                                           Collection<E> candidates)
        Return the first element in 'candidates' that is contained in 'source'. If no element in 'candidates' is present in 'source' returns null. Iteration order is Collection implementation specific.
        source - the source Collection
        candidates - the candidates to search for
        the first present object, or null if not found
      • findValueOfType

        public static <T> T findValueOfType​(Collection<?> collection,
                                            Class<T> type)
        Find a single value of the given type in the given Collection.
        collection - the Collection to search
        type - the type to look for
        a value of the given type found if there is a clear match, or null if none or more than one such value found
      • findValueOfType

        public static Object findValueOfType​(Collection<?> collection,
                                             Class<?>[] types)
        Find a single value of one of the given types in the given Collection: searching the Collection for a value of the first type, then searching for a value of the second type, etc.
        collection - the collection to search
        types - the types to look for, in prioritized order
        a value of one of the given types found if there is a clear match, or null if none or more than one such value found
      • hasUniqueObject

        public static boolean hasUniqueObject​(Collection<?> collection)
        Determine whether the given Collection only contains a single unique object.
        collection - the Collection to check
        true if the collection contains a single reference or multiple references to the same instance, false otherwise
      • findCommonElementType

        public static Class<?> findCommonElementType​(Collection<?> collection)
        Find the common element type of the given Collection, if any.
        collection - the Collection to check
        the common element type, or null if no clear common type has been found (or the collection was empty)
      • toArray

        public static <A,​E extends A> A[] toArray​(Enumeration<E> enumeration,
                                                        A[] array)
        Marshal the elements from the given enumeration into an array of the given type. Enumeration elements must be assignable to the type of the given array. The array returned will be a different instance than the array given.
      • toMultiValueMap

        public static <K,​V> MultiValueMap<K,​V> toMultiValueMap​(Map<K,​List<V>> map)
        Adapt a Map<K, List<V>> to an MultiValueMap<K, V>.
        map - the original map
        the multi-value map
      • unmodifiableMultiValueMap

        public static <K,​V> MultiValueMap<K,​V> unmodifiableMultiValueMap​(MultiValueMap<? extends K,​? extends V> map)
        Return an unmodifiable view of the specified multi-value map.
        map - the map for which an unmodifiable view is to be returned.
        an unmodifiable view of the specified multi-value map.