Class MethodValidationInterceptor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Advice, Interceptor, MethodInterceptor

    public class MethodValidationInterceptor
    extends Object
    implements MethodInterceptor
    An AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor implementation that delegates to a JSR-303 provider for performing method-level validation on annotated methods.

    Applicable methods have JSR-303 constraint annotations on their parameters and/or on their return value (in the latter case specified at the method level, typically as inline annotation).

    E.g.: public @NotNull Object myValidMethod(@NotNull String arg1, @Max(10) int arg2)

    Validation groups can be specified through Spring's Validated annotation at the type level of the containing target class, applying to all public service methods of that class. By default, JSR-303 will validate against its default group only.

    As of Spring 4.0, this functionality requires either a Bean Validation 1.1 provider (such as Hibernate Validator 5.x) or the Bean Validation 1.0 API with Hibernate Validator 4.3. The actual provider will be autodetected and automatically adapted.

    Juergen Hoeller
    See Also:
    MethodValidationPostProcessor, javax.validation.executable.ExecutableValidator, MethodValidator
    • Constructor Detail

      • MethodValidationInterceptor

        public MethodValidationInterceptor()
        Create a new MethodValidationInterceptor using a default JSR-303 validator underneath.
      • MethodValidationInterceptor

        public MethodValidationInterceptor​(ValidatorFactory validatorFactory)
        Create a new MethodValidationInterceptor using the given JSR-303 ValidatorFactory.
        validatorFactory - the JSR-303 ValidatorFactory to use
      • MethodValidationInterceptor

        public MethodValidationInterceptor​(Validator validator)
        Create a new MethodValidationInterceptor using the given JSR-303 Validator.
        validator - the JSR-303 Validator to use
    • Method Detail

      • determineValidationGroups

        protected Class<?>[] determineValidationGroups​(MethodInvocation invocation)
        Determine the validation groups to validate against for the given method invocation.

        Default are the validation groups as specified in the Validated annotation on the containing target class of the method.

        invocation - the current MethodInvocation
        the applicable validation groups as a Class array