Class SimpleMappingExceptionResolver

    • Method Detail

      • setExceptionMappings

        public void setExceptionMappings​(Properties mappings)
        Set the mappings between exception class names and error view names. The exception class name can be a substring, with no wildcard support at present. A value of "PortletException" would match javax.portet.PortletException and subclasses, for example.

        NB: Consider carefully how specific the pattern is, and whether to include package information (which isn't mandatory). For example, "Exception" will match nearly anything, and will probably hide other rules. "java.lang.Exception" would be correct if "Exception" was meant to define a rule for all checked exceptions. With more unusual exception names such as "BaseBusinessException" there's no need to use a FQN.

        Follows the same matching algorithm as RuleBasedTransactionAttribute and RollbackRuleAttribute.

        mappings - exception patterns (can also be fully qualified class names) as keys, and error view names as values
        See Also:
        RuleBasedTransactionAttribute, RollbackRuleAttribute
      • setDefaultErrorView

        public void setDefaultErrorView​(String defaultErrorView)
        Set the name of the default error view. This view will be returned if no specific mapping was found.

        Default is none.

      • doResolveException

        protected ModelAndView doResolveException​(PortletRequest request,
                                                  MimeResponse response,
                                                  Object handler,
                                                  Exception ex)
        Actually resolve the given exception that got thrown during on handler execution, returning a ModelAndView that represents a specific error page if appropriate.
        Specified by:
        doResolveException in class AbstractHandlerExceptionResolver
        request - current portlet request
        response - current portlet response
        handler - the executed handler, or null if none chosen at the time of the exception (for example, if multipart resolution failed)
        ex - the exception that got thrown during handler execution
        a corresponding ModelAndView to forward to, or null for default processing
      • getDepth

        protected int getDepth​(String exceptionMapping,
                               Exception ex)
        Return the depth to the superclass matching.

        0 means ex matches exactly. Returns -1 if there's no match. Otherwise, returns depth. Lowest depth wins.

        Follows the same algorithm as RollbackRuleAttribute.

      • getModelAndView

        protected ModelAndView getModelAndView​(String viewName,
                                               Exception ex,
                                               PortletRequest request)
        Return a ModelAndView for the given request, view name and exception. Default implementation delegates to getModelAndView(viewName, ex).
        viewName - the name of the error view
        ex - the exception that got thrown during handler execution
        request - current portlet request (useful for obtaining metadata)
        the ModelAndView instance
        See Also:
        getModelAndView(String, Exception)
      • getModelAndView

        protected ModelAndView getModelAndView​(String viewName,
                                               Exception ex)
        Return a ModelAndView for the given view name and exception. Default implementation adds the specified exception attribute. Can be overridden in subclasses.
        viewName - the name of the error view
        ex - the exception that got thrown during handler execution
        the ModelAndView instance
        See Also: