Class TilesView

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • checkResource

        public boolean checkResource​(Locale locale)
                              throws Exception
        Description copied from class: AbstractUrlBasedView
        Check whether the underlying resource that the configured URL points to actually exists.
        checkResource in class AbstractUrlBasedView
        locale - the desired Locale that we're looking for
        true if the resource exists (or is assumed to exist); false if we know that it does not exist
        Exception - if the resource exists but is invalid (e.g. could not be parsed)
      • renderMergedOutputModel

        protected void renderMergedOutputModel​(Map<String,​Object> model,
                                               HttpServletRequest request,
                                               HttpServletResponse response)
                                        throws Exception
        Description copied from class: AbstractView
        Subclasses must implement this method to actually render the view.

        The first step will be preparing the request: In the JSP case, this would mean setting model objects as request attributes. The second step will be the actual rendering of the view, for example including the JSP via a RequestDispatcher.

        Specified by:
        renderMergedOutputModel in class AbstractView
        model - combined output Map (never null), with dynamic values taking precedence over static attributes
        request - current HTTP request
        response - current HTTP response
        Exception - if rendering failed