Interface ClassMetadata

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and TypeMethodDescription
      Return the name of the underlying class.
      Return the name of the enclosing class of the underlying class, or null if the underlying class is a top-level class.
      Return the names of all interfaces that the underlying class implements, or an empty array if there are none.
      Return the names of all classes declared as members of the class represented by this ClassMetadata object.
      Return the name of the super class of the underlying class, or null if there is no super class defined.
      default booleanhasEnclosingClass()
      Return whether the underlying class is declared within an enclosing class (i.e.
      default booleanhasSuperClass()
      Return whether the underlying class has a super class.
      Return whether the underlying class is marked as abstract.
      Return whether the underlying class represents an annotation.
      default booleanisConcrete()
      Return whether the underlying class represents a concrete class, i.e.
      Return whether the underlying class is marked as 'final'.
      Determine whether the underlying class is independent, i.e.
      Return whether the underlying class represents an interface.
    • Method Detail

      • isInterface

        boolean isInterface()
        Return whether the underlying class represents an interface.
      • isAnnotation

        boolean isAnnotation()
        Return whether the underlying class represents an annotation.
      • isAbstract

        boolean isAbstract()
        Return whether the underlying class is marked as abstract.
      • isConcrete

        default boolean isConcrete()
        Return whether the underlying class represents a concrete class, i.e. neither an interface nor an abstract class.
      • isFinal

        boolean isFinal()
        Return whether the underlying class is marked as 'final'.
      • isIndependent

        boolean isIndependent()
        Determine whether the underlying class is independent, i.e. whether it is a top-level class or a nested class (static inner class) that can be constructed independently from an enclosing class.
      • hasEnclosingClass

        default boolean hasEnclosingClass()
        Return whether the underlying class is declared within an enclosing class (i.e. the underlying class is an inner/nested class or a local class within a method).

        If this method returns false, then the underlying class is a top-level class.

      • hasSuperClass

        default boolean hasSuperClass()
        Return whether the underlying class has a super class.
      • getInterfaceNames

        String[] getInterfaceNames()
        Return the names of all interfaces that the underlying class implements, or an empty array if there are none.
      • getMemberClassNames

        String[] getMemberClassNames()
        Return the names of all classes declared as members of the class represented by this ClassMetadata object. This includes public, protected, default (package) access, and private classes and interfaces declared by the class, but excludes inherited classes and interfaces. An empty array is returned if no member classes or interfaces exist.