Class DateFormatter

    • Constructor Detail

      • DateFormatter

        public DateFormatter()
        Create a new default DateFormatter.
      • DateFormatter

        public DateFormatter​(String pattern)
        Create a new DateFormatter for the given date pattern.
    • Method Detail

      • setPattern

        public void setPattern​(String pattern)
        Set the pattern to use to format date values.

        If not specified, DateFormat's default style will be used.

      • setStylePattern

        public void setStylePattern​(String stylePattern)
        Set the two character to use to format date values. The first character used for the date style, the second is for the time style. Supported characters are
        • 'S' = Small
        • 'M' = Medium
        • 'L' = Long
        • 'F' = Full
        • '-' = Omitted
        This method mimics the styles supported by Joda-Time.
        stylePattern - two characters from the set {"S", "M", "L", "F", "-"}
      • setTimeZone

        public void setTimeZone​(TimeZone timeZone)
        Set the TimeZone to normalize the date values into, if any.
      • setLenient

        public void setLenient​(boolean lenient)
        Specify whether or not parsing is to be lenient. Default is false.

        With lenient parsing, the parser may allow inputs that do not precisely match the format. With strict parsing, inputs must match the format exactly.

      • print

        public String print​(Date date,
                            Locale locale)
        Description copied from interface: Printer
        Print the object of type T for display.
        Specified by:
        print in interface Printer<Date>
        date - the instance to print
        locale - the current user locale
        the printed text string
      • parse

        public Date parse​(String text,
                          Locale locale)
                   throws ParseException
        Description copied from interface: Parser
        Parse a text String to produce a T.
        Specified by:
        parse in interface Parser<Date>
        text - the text string
        locale - the current user locale
        an instance of T
        ParseException - when a parse exception occurs in a java.text parsing library