Annotation Type ConnectMapping

  • @Target(METHOD)
    public @interface ConnectMapping
    Annotation to map the initial ConnectionSetupPayload and subsequent metadata pushes onto a handler method.

    This is a method-level annotation that can be combined with a type-level @MessageMapping for a combined route pattern. It supports the same arguments as @MessageMapping but the return value must be void. On a server, handling can be asynchronous (e.g. Mono<Void>), in which case the connection is accepted if and when the Mono<Void> completes. On the client side this method is only a callback and does not affect the establishment of the connection.

    Note: an @ConnectMapping method may start requests to the remote through an RSocketRequester method argument, but it must do so independent of the handling thread (e.g. via subscribing on a different thread).

    Rossen Stoyanchev
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and TypeOptional ElementDescription
      Mappings expressed by this annotation to match to the route from the metadata of the initial ConnectionSetupPayload or in subsequent metadata pushes.
    • Element Detail

      • value

        String[] value
        Mappings expressed by this annotation to match to the route from the metadata of the initial ConnectionSetupPayload or in subsequent metadata pushes.

        Depending on the configured RouteMatcher, the pattern may be AntPathMatcher or PathPattern based.

        By default this is an empty array in which case it matches all ConnectionSetupPayload and metadata pushes.
