Class SimpLogging

  • public abstract class SimpLogging
    extends Object
    Holds the shared logger named "org.springframework.web.SimpLogging" to use for STOMP over WebSocket messaging when logging for "org.springframework.messaging.simp" is off but logging for "org.springframework.web" is on.

    This makes it possible to enable all web related logging via "org.springframework.web" including logging from lower-level packages such as "org.springframework.messaging.simp".

    To see logging from the primary classes where log messages originate from, simply enable logging for "org.springframework.messaging".

    Rossen Stoyanchev
    See Also:
    • Constructor Summary

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and TypeMethodDescription
      static LogforLog​(Log primaryLogger)
      Wrap the given primary logger with a composite logger that delegates to either the primary or to the shared fallback logger "org.springframework.web.HttpLogging", if the primary is not enabled.
      static LogforLogName​(Class<?> primaryLoggerClass)
      Create a primary logger for the given class and wrap it with a composite that delegates to it or to the fallback logger named "org.springframework.web.SimpLogging", if the primary is not enabled.
    • Method Detail

      • forLogName

        public static Log forLogName​(Class<?> primaryLoggerClass)
        Create a primary logger for the given class and wrap it with a composite that delegates to it or to the fallback logger named "org.springframework.web.SimpLogging", if the primary is not enabled.
        primaryLoggerClass - the class for the name of the primary logger
        the resulting composite logger
      • forLog

        public static Log forLog​(Log primaryLogger)
        Wrap the given primary logger with a composite logger that delegates to either the primary or to the shared fallback logger "org.springframework.web.HttpLogging", if the primary is not enabled.
        primaryLogger - the primary logger to use
        the resulting composite logger