Interface SimpMessageSendingOperations

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface SimpMessageSendingOperations
    extends MessageSendingOperations<String>
    A specialization of MessageSendingOperations with methods for use with the Spring Framework support for Simple Messaging Protocols (like STOMP).

    For more on user destinations see UserDestinationResolver.

    Generally it is expected the user is the one authenticated with the WebSocket session (or by extension the user authenticated with the handshake request that started the session). However if the session is not authenticated, it is also possible to pass the session id (if known) in place of the user name. Keep in mind though that in that scenario, you must use one of the overloaded methods that accept headers making sure the sessionId header has been set accordingly.

    Rossen Stoyanchev
    • Method Detail

      • convertAndSendToUser

        void convertAndSendToUser​(String user,
                                  String destination,
                                  Object payload,
                                  Map<String,​Object> headers)
                           throws MessagingException
        Send a message to the given user.

        By default headers are interpreted as native headers (e.g. STOMP) and are saved under a special key in the resulting Spring Message. In effect when the message leaves the application, the provided headers are included with it and delivered to the destination (e.g. the STOMP client or broker).

        If the map already contains the key "nativeHeaders" or was prepared with SimpMessageHeaderAccessor then the headers are used directly. A common expected case is providing a content type (to influence the message conversion) and native headers. This may be done as follows:

         SimpMessageHeaderAccessor accessor = SimpMessageHeaderAccessor.create();
         accessor.setNativeHeader("foo", "bar");
         MessageHeaders headers = accessor.getMessageHeaders();
         messagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(user, destination, payload, headers);

        Note: if the MessageHeaders are mutable as in the above example, implementations of this interface should take notice and update the headers in the same instance (rather than copy or re-create it) and then set it immutable before sending the final message.

        user - the user that should receive the message (must not be null)
        destination - the destination to send the message to (must not be null)
        payload - the payload to send (may be null)
        headers - the message headers (may be null)
      • convertAndSendToUser

        void convertAndSendToUser​(String user,
                                  String destination,
                                  Object payload,
                                  MessagePostProcessor postProcessor)
                           throws MessagingException
        Send a message to the given user.
        user - the user that should receive the message (must not be null)
        destination - the destination to send the message to (must not be null)
        payload - the payload to send (may be null)
        postProcessor - a postProcessor to post-process or modify the created message