Annotation Type SendToUser

  • @Target({TYPE,METHOD})
    public @interface SendToUser
    Indicates the return value of a message-handling method should be sent as a Message to the specified destination(s) further prepended with "/user/{username}" where the user name is extracted from the headers of the input message being handled.

    Both @SendTo and @SendToUser may be used on the same method in which case a message is sent to the destinations of both annotations.

    This annotation may be placed class-level in which case it is inherited by methods of the class. At the same time, method-level @SendTo or @SendToUser annotations override any such at the class level.

    Rossen Stoyanchev, Sam Brannen
    See Also:
    SendToMethodReturnValueHandler, UserDestinationMessageHandler, SimpMessageHeaderAccessor.getUser()
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and TypeOptional ElementDescription
      Whether messages should be sent to all sessions associated with the user or only to the session of the input message being handled.
      One or more destinations to send a message to.
      Alias for destinations().
      • broadcast

        boolean broadcast
        Whether messages should be sent to all sessions associated with the user or only to the session of the input message being handled.

        By default, this is set to true in which case messages are broadcast to all sessions.
