Class SimpleJaxWsServiceExporter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Aware, BeanFactoryAware, DisposableBean, InitializingBean

    public class SimpleJaxWsServiceExporter
    extends AbstractJaxWsServiceExporter
    Simple exporter for JAX-WS services, autodetecting annotated service beans (through the JAX-WS WebService annotation) and exporting them with a configured base address (by default "http://localhost:8080/") using the JAX-WS provider's built-in publication support. The full address for each service will consist of the base address with the service name appended (e.g. "http://localhost:8080/OrderService").

    Note that this exporter will only work if the JAX-WS runtime actually supports publishing with an address argument, i.e. if the JAX-WS runtime ships an internal HTTP server.

    Juergen Hoeller
    See Also:
    WebService, Endpoint.publish(String)