Class IntervalTask

    • Constructor Detail

      • IntervalTask

        public IntervalTask​(Runnable runnable,
                            long interval,
                            long initialDelay)
        Create a new IntervalTask.
        runnable - the underlying task to execute
        interval - how often in milliseconds the task should be executed
        initialDelay - the initial delay before first execution of the task
      • IntervalTask

        public IntervalTask​(Runnable runnable,
                            long interval)
        Create a new IntervalTask with no initial delay.
        runnable - the underlying task to execute
        interval - how often in milliseconds the task should be executed
    • Method Detail

      • getInterval

        public long getInterval()
        Return how often in milliseconds the task should be executed.
      • getInitialDelay

        public long getInitialDelay()
        Return the initial delay before first execution of the task.