Class WebApplicationContextFacesELResolver

  • public class WebApplicationContextFacesELResolver
    extends ELResolver
    Special JSF ELResolver that exposes the Spring WebApplicationContext instance under a variable named "webApplicationContext".

    In contrast to SpringBeanFacesELResolver, this ELResolver variant does not resolve JSF variable names as Spring bean names. It rather exposes Spring's root WebApplicationContext itself under a special name, and is able to resolve "webApplicationContext.mySpringManagedBusinessObject" dereferences to Spring-defined beans in that application context.

    Configure this resolver in your faces-config.xml file as follows:

    Juergen Hoeller
    See Also:
    SpringBeanFacesELResolver, FacesContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(javax.faces.context.FacesContext)