Class ResourceUrlProvider

    • Method Detail

      • registerHandlers

        public void registerHandlers​(Map<String,​ResourceWebHandler> handlerMap)
        Manually configure resource handler mappings.

        Note: by default resource mappings are auto-detected from the Spring ApplicationContext. If this property is used, auto-detection is turned off.

      • getForUriString

        public final reactor.core.publisher.Mono<StringgetForUriString​(String uriString,
                                                                         ServerWebExchange exchange)
        Get the public resource URL for the given URI string.

        The URI string is expected to be a path and if it contains a query or fragment those will be preserved in the resulting public resource URL.

        uriString - the URI string to transform
        exchange - the current exchange
        the resolved public resource URL path, or empty if unresolved