Interface View

    • Field Detail


        static final String BINDING_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE
        The name of the exchange attribute that contains the BindingContext for the request which can be used to create BindingResult instances for objects in to the model.

        Note: This attribute is not required and may not be present.

    • Method Detail

      • isRedirectView

        default boolean isRedirectView()
        Whether this View does rendering by performing a redirect.
      • render

                                                 Map<String,​?> model,
                                                 MediaType contentType,
                                                 ServerWebExchange exchange)
        Render the view based on the given HandlerResult. Implementations can access and use the model or only a specific attribute in it.
        model - a Map with name Strings as keys and corresponding model objects as values (Map can also be null in case of empty model)
        contentType - the content type selected to render with which should match one of the supported media types.
        exchange - the current exchange
        Mono to represent when and if rendering succeeds