Interface WebSocketClient

    • Method Detail

      • execute

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Voidexecute​(URI url,
                                                  WebSocketHandler handler)
        Execute a handshake request to the given url and handle the resulting WebSocket session with the given handler.
        url - the handshake url
        handler - the handler of the WebSocket session
        completion Mono<Void> to indicate the outcome of the WebSocket session handling.
      • execute

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Voidexecute​(URI url,
                                                  HttpHeaders headers,
                                                  WebSocketHandler handler)
        A variant of execute(URI, WebSocketHandler) with custom headers.
        url - the handshake url
        headers - custom headers for the handshake request
        handler - the handler of the WebSocket session
        completion Mono<Void> to indicate the outcome of the WebSocket session handling.