Class RequestPredicates

  • public abstract class RequestPredicates
    extends Object
    Implementations of RequestPredicate that implement various useful request matching operations, such as matching based on path, HTTP method, etc.
    Arjen Poutsma
    • Method Detail

      • all

        public static RequestPredicate all()
        Return a RequestPredicate that always matches.
        a predicate that always matches
      • method

        public static RequestPredicate method​(HttpMethod httpMethod)
        Return a RequestPredicate that matches if the request's HTTP method is equal to the given method.
        httpMethod - the HTTP method to match against
        a predicate that tests against the given HTTP method
      • methods

        public static RequestPredicate methods​(HttpMethod... httpMethods)
        Return a RequestPredicate that matches if the request's HTTP method is equal to one the of the given methods.
        httpMethods - the HTTP methods to match against
        a predicate that tests against the given HTTP methods
      • path

        public static RequestPredicate path​(String pattern)
        Return a RequestPredicate that tests the request path against the given path pattern.
        pattern - the pattern to match to
        a predicate that tests against the given path pattern
      • pathPredicates

        public static Function<String,​RequestPredicatepathPredicates​(PathPatternParser patternParser)
        Return a function that creates new path-matching RequestPredicates from pattern Strings using the given PathPatternParser.

        This method can be used to specify a non-default, customized PathPatternParser when resolving path patterns.

        patternParser - the parser used to parse patterns given to the returned function
        a function that resolves a pattern String into a path-matching RequestPredicates instance
      • headers

        public static RequestPredicate headers​(Predicate<ServerRequest.Headers> headersPredicate)
        Return a RequestPredicate that tests the request's headers against the given headers predicate.
        headersPredicate - a predicate that tests against the request headers
        a predicate that tests against the given header predicate
      • contentType

        public static RequestPredicate contentType​(MediaType... mediaTypes)
        Return a RequestPredicate that tests if the request's content type is included by any of the given media types.
        mediaTypes - the media types to match the request's content type against
        a predicate that tests the request's content type against the given media types
      • accept

        public static RequestPredicate accept​(MediaType... mediaTypes)
        Return a RequestPredicate that tests if the request's accept header is compatible with any of the given media types.
        mediaTypes - the media types to match the request's accept header against
        a predicate that tests the request's accept header against the given media types
      • GET

        public static RequestPredicate GET​(String pattern)
        Return a RequestPredicate that matches if request's HTTP method is GET and the given pattern matches against the request path.
        pattern - the path pattern to match against
        a predicate that matches if the request method is GET and if the given pattern matches against the request path
      • HEAD

        public static RequestPredicate HEAD​(String pattern)
        Return a RequestPredicate that matches if request's HTTP method is HEAD and the given pattern matches against the request path.
        pattern - the path pattern to match against
        a predicate that matches if the request method is HEAD and if the given pattern matches against the request path
      • POST

        public static RequestPredicate POST​(String pattern)
        Return a RequestPredicate that matches if request's HTTP method is POST and the given pattern matches against the request path.
        pattern - the path pattern to match against
        a predicate that matches if the request method is POST and if the given pattern matches against the request path
      • PUT

        public static RequestPredicate PUT​(String pattern)
        Return a RequestPredicate that matches if request's HTTP method is PUT and the given pattern matches against the request path.
        pattern - the path pattern to match against
        a predicate that matches if the request method is PUT and if the given pattern matches against the request path
      • PATCH

        public static RequestPredicate PATCH​(String pattern)
        Return a RequestPredicate that matches if request's HTTP method is PATCH and the given pattern matches against the request path.
        pattern - the path pattern to match against
        a predicate that matches if the request method is PATCH and if the given pattern matches against the request path
      • DELETE

        public static RequestPredicate DELETE​(String pattern)
        Return a RequestPredicate that matches if request's HTTP method is DELETE and the given pattern matches against the request path.
        pattern - the path pattern to match against
        a predicate that matches if the request method is DELETE and if the given pattern matches against the request path
      • OPTIONS

        public static RequestPredicate OPTIONS​(String pattern)
        Return a RequestPredicate that matches if request's HTTP method is OPTIONS and the given pattern matches against the request path.
        pattern - the path pattern to match against
        a predicate that matches if the request method is OPTIONS and if the given pattern matches against the request path
      • pathExtension

        public static RequestPredicate pathExtension​(String extension)
        Return a RequestPredicate that matches if the request's path has the given extension.
        extension - the path extension to match against, ignoring case
        a predicate that matches if the request's path has the given file extension
      • pathExtension

        public static RequestPredicate pathExtension​(Predicate<String> extensionPredicate)
        Return a RequestPredicate that matches if the request's path matches the given predicate.
        extensionPredicate - the predicate to test against the request path extension
        a predicate that matches if the given predicate matches against the request's path file extension
      • param

        public static RequestPredicate param​(String name,
                                             String value)
        Return a RequestPredicate that matches if the request's parameter of the given name has the given value.
        name - the name of the parameter to test against
        value - the value of the parameter to test against
        a predicate that matches if the parameter has the given value
        See Also:
      • param

        public static RequestPredicate param​(String name,
                                             Predicate<String> predicate)
        Return a RequestPredicate that tests the request's parameter of the given name against the given predicate.
        name - the name of the parameter to test against
        predicate - the predicate to test against the parameter value
        a predicate that matches the given predicate against the parameter of the given name
        See Also: