Class EvalTag

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, IterationTag, JspTag, Tag, TryCatchFinally

    public class EvalTag
    extends HtmlEscapingAwareTag
    The <eval> tag evaluates a Spring expression (SpEL) and either prints the result or assigns it to a variable. Supports the standard JSP evaluation context consisting of implicit variables and scoped attributes.
    Attribute Summary
    AttributeRequired?Runtime Expression?Description
    expressiontruetrueThe expression to evaluate.
    htmlEscapefalsetrueSet HTML escaping for this tag, as a boolean value. Overrides the default HTML escaping setting for the current page.
    javaScriptEscapefalsetrueSet JavaScript escaping for this tag, as a boolean value. Default is false.
    scopefalsetrueThe scope for the var. 'application', 'session', 'request' and 'page' scopes are supported. Defaults to page scope. This attribute has no effect unless the var attribute is also defined.
    varfalsetrueThe name of the variable to export the evaluation result to. If not specified the evaluation result is converted to a String and written as output.
    Keith Donald, Juergen Hoeller
    See Also:
    Serialized Form