002 * Copyright 2002-2020 the original author or authors.
003 *
004 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009 *
010 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 * limitations under the License.
015 */
017package org.springframework.jdbc.support;
019import java.lang.reflect.Field;
020import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
021import java.math.BigDecimal;
022import java.sql.Blob;
023import java.sql.Clob;
024import java.sql.Connection;
025import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
026import java.sql.ResultSet;
027import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
028import java.sql.SQLException;
029import java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException;
030import java.sql.Statement;
031import java.sql.Types;
032import java.util.HashMap;
033import java.util.Map;
035import javax.sql.DataSource;
037import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
038import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
040import org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException;
041import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils;
042import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
043import org.springframework.util.NumberUtils;
044import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
047 * Generic utility methods for working with JDBC. Mainly for internal use
048 * within the framework, but also useful for custom JDBC access code.
049 *
050 * @author Thomas Risberg
051 * @author Juergen Hoeller
052 */
053public abstract class JdbcUtils {
055        /**
056         * Constant that indicates an unknown (or unspecified) SQL type.
057         * @see java.sql.Types
058         */
059        public static final int TYPE_UNKNOWN = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
061        private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(JdbcUtils.class);
063        private static final Map<Integer, String> typeNames = new HashMap<>();
065        static {
066                try {
067                        for (Field field : Types.class.getFields()) {
068                                typeNames.put((Integer) field.get(null), field.getName());
069                        }
070                }
071                catch (Exception ex) {
072                        throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to resolve JDBC Types constants", ex);
073                }
074        }
077        /**
078         * Close the given JDBC Connection and ignore any thrown exception.
079         * This is useful for typical finally blocks in manual JDBC code.
080         * @param con the JDBC Connection to close (may be {@code null})
081         */
082        public static void closeConnection(@Nullable Connection con) {
083                if (con != null) {
084                        try {
085                                con.close();
086                        }
087                        catch (SQLException ex) {
088                                logger.debug("Could not close JDBC Connection", ex);
089                        }
090                        catch (Throwable ex) {
091                                // We don't trust the JDBC driver: It might throw RuntimeException or Error.
092                                logger.debug("Unexpected exception on closing JDBC Connection", ex);
093                        }
094                }
095        }
097        /**
098         * Close the given JDBC Statement and ignore any thrown exception.
099         * This is useful for typical finally blocks in manual JDBC code.
100         * @param stmt the JDBC Statement to close (may be {@code null})
101         */
102        public static void closeStatement(@Nullable Statement stmt) {
103                if (stmt != null) {
104                        try {
105                                stmt.close();
106                        }
107                        catch (SQLException ex) {
108                                logger.trace("Could not close JDBC Statement", ex);
109                        }
110                        catch (Throwable ex) {
111                                // We don't trust the JDBC driver: It might throw RuntimeException or Error.
112                                logger.trace("Unexpected exception on closing JDBC Statement", ex);
113                        }
114                }
115        }
117        /**
118         * Close the given JDBC ResultSet and ignore any thrown exception.
119         * This is useful for typical finally blocks in manual JDBC code.
120         * @param rs the JDBC ResultSet to close (may be {@code null})
121         */
122        public static void closeResultSet(@Nullable ResultSet rs) {
123                if (rs != null) {
124                        try {
125                                rs.close();
126                        }
127                        catch (SQLException ex) {
128                                logger.trace("Could not close JDBC ResultSet", ex);
129                        }
130                        catch (Throwable ex) {
131                                // We don't trust the JDBC driver: It might throw RuntimeException or Error.
132                                logger.trace("Unexpected exception on closing JDBC ResultSet", ex);
133                        }
134                }
135        }
137        /**
138         * Retrieve a JDBC column value from a ResultSet, using the specified value type.
139         * <p>Uses the specifically typed ResultSet accessor methods, falling back to
140         * {@link #getResultSetValue(java.sql.ResultSet, int)} for unknown types.
141         * <p>Note that the returned value may not be assignable to the specified
142         * required type, in case of an unknown type. Calling code needs to deal
143         * with this case appropriately, e.g. throwing a corresponding exception.
144         * @param rs is the ResultSet holding the data
145         * @param index is the column index
146         * @param requiredType the required value type (may be {@code null})
147         * @return the value object (possibly not of the specified required type,
148         * with further conversion steps necessary)
149         * @throws SQLException if thrown by the JDBC API
150         * @see #getResultSetValue(ResultSet, int)
151         */
152        @Nullable
153        public static Object getResultSetValue(ResultSet rs, int index, @Nullable Class<?> requiredType) throws SQLException {
154                if (requiredType == null) {
155                        return getResultSetValue(rs, index);
156                }
158                Object value;
160                // Explicitly extract typed value, as far as possible.
161                if (String.class == requiredType) {
162                        return rs.getString(index);
163                }
164                else if (boolean.class == requiredType || Boolean.class == requiredType) {
165                        value = rs.getBoolean(index);
166                }
167                else if (byte.class == requiredType || Byte.class == requiredType) {
168                        value = rs.getByte(index);
169                }
170                else if (short.class == requiredType || Short.class == requiredType) {
171                        value = rs.getShort(index);
172                }
173                else if (int.class == requiredType || Integer.class == requiredType) {
174                        value = rs.getInt(index);
175                }
176                else if (long.class == requiredType || Long.class == requiredType) {
177                        value = rs.getLong(index);
178                }
179                else if (float.class == requiredType || Float.class == requiredType) {
180                        value = rs.getFloat(index);
181                }
182                else if (double.class == requiredType || Double.class == requiredType ||
183                                Number.class == requiredType) {
184                        value = rs.getDouble(index);
185                }
186                else if (BigDecimal.class == requiredType) {
187                        return rs.getBigDecimal(index);
188                }
189                else if (java.sql.Date.class == requiredType) {
190                        return rs.getDate(index);
191                }
192                else if (java.sql.Time.class == requiredType) {
193                        return rs.getTime(index);
194                }
195                else if (java.sql.Timestamp.class == requiredType || java.util.Date.class == requiredType) {
196                        return rs.getTimestamp(index);
197                }
198                else if (byte[].class == requiredType) {
199                        return rs.getBytes(index);
200                }
201                else if (Blob.class == requiredType) {
202                        return rs.getBlob(index);
203                }
204                else if (Clob.class == requiredType) {
205                        return rs.getClob(index);
206                }
207                else if (requiredType.isEnum()) {
208                        // Enums can either be represented through a String or an enum index value:
209                        // leave enum type conversion up to the caller (e.g. a ConversionService)
210                        // but make sure that we return nothing other than a String or an Integer.
211                        Object obj = rs.getObject(index);
212                        if (obj instanceof String) {
213                                return obj;
214                        }
215                        else if (obj instanceof Number) {
216                                // Defensively convert any Number to an Integer (as needed by our
217                                // ConversionService's IntegerToEnumConverterFactory) for use as index
218                                return NumberUtils.convertNumberToTargetClass((Number) obj, Integer.class);
219                        }
220                        else {
221                                // e.g. on Postgres: getObject returns a PGObject but we need a String
222                                return rs.getString(index);
223                        }
224                }
226                else {
227                        // Some unknown type desired -> rely on getObject.
228                        try {
229                                return rs.getObject(index, requiredType);
230                        }
231                        catch (AbstractMethodError err) {
232                                logger.debug("JDBC driver does not implement JDBC 4.1 'getObject(int, Class)' method", err);
233                        }
234                        catch (SQLFeatureNotSupportedException ex) {
235                                logger.debug("JDBC driver does not support JDBC 4.1 'getObject(int, Class)' method", ex);
236                        }
237                        catch (SQLException ex) {
238                                logger.debug("JDBC driver has limited support for JDBC 4.1 'getObject(int, Class)' method", ex);
239                        }
241                        // Corresponding SQL types for JSR-310 / Joda-Time types, left up
242                        // to the caller to convert them (e.g. through a ConversionService).
243                        String typeName = requiredType.getSimpleName();
244                        if ("LocalDate".equals(typeName)) {
245                                return rs.getDate(index);
246                        }
247                        else if ("LocalTime".equals(typeName)) {
248                                return rs.getTime(index);
249                        }
250                        else if ("LocalDateTime".equals(typeName)) {
251                                return rs.getTimestamp(index);
252                        }
254                        // Fall back to getObject without type specification, again
255                        // left up to the caller to convert the value if necessary.
256                        return getResultSetValue(rs, index);
257                }
259                // Perform was-null check if necessary (for results that the JDBC driver returns as primitives).
260                return (rs.wasNull() ? null : value);
261        }
263        /**
264         * Retrieve a JDBC column value from a ResultSet, using the most appropriate
265         * value type. The returned value should be a detached value object, not having
266         * any ties to the active ResultSet: in particular, it should not be a Blob or
267         * Clob object but rather a byte array or String representation, respectively.
268         * <p>Uses the {@code getObject(index)} method, but includes additional "hacks"
269         * to get around Oracle 10g returning a non-standard object for its TIMESTAMP
270         * datatype and a {@code java.sql.Date} for DATE columns leaving out the
271         * time portion: These columns will explicitly be extracted as standard
272         * {@code java.sql.Timestamp} object.
273         * @param rs is the ResultSet holding the data
274         * @param index is the column index
275         * @return the value object
276         * @throws SQLException if thrown by the JDBC API
277         * @see java.sql.Blob
278         * @see java.sql.Clob
279         * @see java.sql.Timestamp
280         */
281        @Nullable
282        public static Object getResultSetValue(ResultSet rs, int index) throws SQLException {
283                Object obj = rs.getObject(index);
284                String className = null;
285                if (obj != null) {
286                        className = obj.getClass().getName();
287                }
288                if (obj instanceof Blob) {
289                        Blob blob = (Blob) obj;
290                        obj = blob.getBytes(1, (int) blob.length());
291                }
292                else if (obj instanceof Clob) {
293                        Clob clob = (Clob) obj;
294                        obj = clob.getSubString(1, (int) clob.length());
295                }
296                else if ("oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP".equals(className) || "oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ".equals(className)) {
297                        obj = rs.getTimestamp(index);
298                }
299                else if (className != null && className.startsWith("oracle.sql.DATE")) {
300                        String metaDataClassName = rs.getMetaData().getColumnClassName(index);
301                        if ("java.sql.Timestamp".equals(metaDataClassName) || "oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP".equals(metaDataClassName)) {
302                                obj = rs.getTimestamp(index);
303                        }
304                        else {
305                                obj = rs.getDate(index);
306                        }
307                }
308                else if (obj instanceof java.sql.Date) {
309                        if ("java.sql.Timestamp".equals(rs.getMetaData().getColumnClassName(index))) {
310                                obj = rs.getTimestamp(index);
311                        }
312                }
313                return obj;
314        }
316        /**
317         * Extract database meta-data via the given DatabaseMetaDataCallback.
318         * <p>This method will open a connection to the database and retrieve its meta-data.
319         * Since this method is called before the exception translation feature is configured
320         * for a DataSource, this method can not rely on SQLException translation itself.
321         * <p>Any exceptions will be wrapped in a MetaDataAccessException. This is a checked
322         * exception and any calling code should catch and handle this exception. You can just
323         * log the error and hope for the best, but there is probably a more serious error that
324         * will reappear when you try to access the database again.
325         * @param dataSource the DataSource to extract meta-data for
326         * @param action callback that will do the actual work
327         * @return object containing the extracted information, as returned by
328         * the DatabaseMetaDataCallback's {@code processMetaData} method
329         * @throws MetaDataAccessException if meta-data access failed
330         * @see java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
331         */
332        public static <T> T extractDatabaseMetaData(DataSource dataSource, DatabaseMetaDataCallback<T> action)
333                        throws MetaDataAccessException {
335                Connection con = null;
336                try {
337                        con = DataSourceUtils.getConnection(dataSource);
338                        DatabaseMetaData metaData;
339                        try {
340                                metaData = con.getMetaData();
341                        }
342                        catch (SQLException ex) {
343                                if (DataSourceUtils.isConnectionTransactional(con, dataSource)) {
344                                        // Probably a closed thread-bound Connection - retry against fresh Connection
345                                        DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection(con, dataSource);
346                                        con = null;
347                                        logger.debug("Failed to obtain DatabaseMetaData from transactional Connection - " +
348                                                        "retrying against fresh Connection", ex);
349                                        con = dataSource.getConnection();
350                                        metaData = con.getMetaData();
351                                }
352                                else {
353                                        throw ex;
354                                }
355                        }
356                        if (metaData == null) {
357                                // should only happen in test environments
358                                throw new MetaDataAccessException("DatabaseMetaData returned by Connection [" + con + "] was null");
359                        }
360                        return action.processMetaData(metaData);
361                }
362                catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException ex) {
363                        throw new MetaDataAccessException("Could not get Connection for extracting meta-data", ex);
364                }
365                catch (SQLException ex) {
366                        throw new MetaDataAccessException("Error while extracting DatabaseMetaData", ex);
367                }
368                catch (AbstractMethodError err) {
369                        throw new MetaDataAccessException(
370                                        "JDBC DatabaseMetaData method not implemented by JDBC driver - upgrade your driver", err);
371                }
372                finally {
373                        DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection(con, dataSource);
374                }
375        }
377        /**
378         * Call the specified method on DatabaseMetaData for the given DataSource,
379         * and extract the invocation result.
380         * @param dataSource the DataSource to extract meta-data for
381         * @param metaDataMethodName the name of the DatabaseMetaData method to call
382         * @return the object returned by the specified DatabaseMetaData method
383         * @throws MetaDataAccessException if we couldn't access the DatabaseMetaData
384         * or failed to invoke the specified method
385         * @see java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
386         * @deprecated as of 5.2.9, in favor of
387         * {@link #extractDatabaseMetaData(DataSource, DatabaseMetaDataCallback)}
388         * with a lambda expression or method reference and a generically typed result
389         */
390        @Deprecated
391        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
392        public static <T> T extractDatabaseMetaData(DataSource dataSource, final String metaDataMethodName)
393                        throws MetaDataAccessException {
395                return (T) extractDatabaseMetaData(dataSource,
396                                dbmd -> {
397                                        try {
398                                                return DatabaseMetaData.class.getMethod(metaDataMethodName).invoke(dbmd);
399                                        }
400                                        catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
401                                                throw new MetaDataAccessException("No method named '" + metaDataMethodName +
402                                                                "' found on DatabaseMetaData instance [" + dbmd + "]", ex);
403                                        }
404                                        catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
405                                                throw new MetaDataAccessException(
406                                                                "Could not access DatabaseMetaData method '" + metaDataMethodName + "'", ex);
407                                        }
408                                        catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
409                                                if (ex.getTargetException() instanceof SQLException) {
410                                                        throw (SQLException) ex.getTargetException();
411                                                }
412                                                throw new MetaDataAccessException(
413                                                                "Invocation of DatabaseMetaData method '" + metaDataMethodName + "' failed", ex);
414                                        }
415                                });
416        }
418        /**
419         * Return whether the given JDBC driver supports JDBC 2.0 batch updates.
420         * <p>Typically invoked right before execution of a given set of statements:
421         * to decide whether the set of SQL statements should be executed through
422         * the JDBC 2.0 batch mechanism or simply in a traditional one-by-one fashion.
423         * <p>Logs a warning if the "supportsBatchUpdates" methods throws an exception
424         * and simply returns {@code false} in that case.
425         * @param con the Connection to check
426         * @return whether JDBC 2.0 batch updates are supported
427         * @see java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#supportsBatchUpdates()
428         */
429        public static boolean supportsBatchUpdates(Connection con) {
430                try {
431                        DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
432                        if (dbmd != null) {
433                                if (dbmd.supportsBatchUpdates()) {
434                                        logger.debug("JDBC driver supports batch updates");
435                                        return true;
436                                }
437                                else {
438                                        logger.debug("JDBC driver does not support batch updates");
439                                }
440                        }
441                }
442                catch (SQLException ex) {
443                        logger.debug("JDBC driver 'supportsBatchUpdates' method threw exception", ex);
444                }
445                return false;
446        }
448        /**
449         * Extract a common name for the target database in use even if
450         * various drivers/platforms provide varying names at runtime.
451         * @param source the name as provided in database meta-data
452         * @return the common name to be used (e.g. "DB2" or "Sybase")
453         */
454        @Nullable
455        public static String commonDatabaseName(@Nullable String source) {
456                String name = source;
457                if (source != null && source.startsWith("DB2")) {
458                        name = "DB2";
459                }
460                else if ("MariaDB".equals(source)) {
461                        name = "MySQL";
462                }
463                else if ("Sybase SQL Server".equals(source) ||
464                                "Adaptive Server Enterprise".equals(source) ||
465                                "ASE".equals(source) ||
466                                "sql server".equalsIgnoreCase(source) ) {
467                        name = "Sybase";
468                }
469                return name;
470        }
472        /**
473         * Check whether the given SQL type is numeric.
474         * @param sqlType the SQL type to be checked
475         * @return whether the type is numeric
476         */
477        public static boolean isNumeric(int sqlType) {
478                return (Types.BIT == sqlType || Types.BIGINT == sqlType || Types.DECIMAL == sqlType ||
479                                Types.DOUBLE == sqlType || Types.FLOAT == sqlType || Types.INTEGER == sqlType ||
480                                Types.NUMERIC == sqlType || Types.REAL == sqlType || Types.SMALLINT == sqlType ||
481                                Types.TINYINT == sqlType);
482        }
484        /**
485         * Resolve the standard type name for the given SQL type, if possible.
486         * @param sqlType the SQL type to resolve
487         * @return the corresponding constant name in {@link java.sql.Types}
488         * (e.g. "VARCHAR"/"NUMERIC"), or {@code null} if not resolvable
489         * @since 5.2
490         */
491        @Nullable
492        public static String resolveTypeName(int sqlType) {
493                return typeNames.get(sqlType);
494        }
496        /**
497         * Determine the column name to use. The column name is determined based on a
498         * lookup using ResultSetMetaData.
499         * <p>This method implementation takes into account recent clarifications
500         * expressed in the JDBC 4.0 specification:
501         * <p><i>columnLabel - the label for the column specified with the SQL AS clause.
502         * If the SQL AS clause was not specified, then the label is the name of the column</i>.
503         * @param resultSetMetaData the current meta-data to use
504         * @param columnIndex the index of the column for the look up
505         * @return the column name to use
506         * @throws SQLException in case of lookup failure
507         */
508        public static String lookupColumnName(ResultSetMetaData resultSetMetaData, int columnIndex) throws SQLException {
509                String name = resultSetMetaData.getColumnLabel(columnIndex);
510                if (!StringUtils.hasLength(name)) {
511                        name = resultSetMetaData.getColumnName(columnIndex);
512                }
513                return name;
514        }
516        /**
517         * Convert a column name with underscores to the corresponding property name using "camel case".
518         * A name like "customer_number" would match a "customerNumber" property name.
519         * @param name the column name to be converted
520         * @return the name using "camel case"
521         */
522        public static String convertUnderscoreNameToPropertyName(@Nullable String name) {
523                StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
524                boolean nextIsUpper = false;
525                if (name != null && name.length() > 0) {
526                        if (name.length() > 1 && name.charAt(1) == '_') {
527                                result.append(Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(0)));
528                        }
529                        else {
530                                result.append(Character.toLowerCase(name.charAt(0)));
531                        }
532                        for (int i = 1; i < name.length(); i++) {
533                                char c = name.charAt(i);
534                                if (c == '_') {
535                                        nextIsUpper = true;
536                                }
537                                else {
538                                        if (nextIsUpper) {
539                                                result.append(Character.toUpperCase(c));
540                                                nextIsUpper = false;
541                                        }
542                                        else {
543                                                result.append(Character.toLowerCase(c));
544                                        }
545                                }
546                        }
547                }
548                return result.toString();
549        }