程序包 org.junit.rules

类 Stopwatch

  • 所有已实现的接口:

    public abstract class Stopwatch
    extends Object
    implements TestRule
    The Stopwatch Rule notifies one of its own protected methods of the time spent by a test.

    Override them to get the time in nanoseconds. For example, this class will keep logging the time spent by each passed, failed, skipped, and finished test:

     public static class StopwatchTest {
         private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("");
         private static void logInfo(Description description, String status, long nanos) {
             String testName = description.getMethodName();
             logger.info(String.format("Test %s %s, spent %d microseconds",
                                       testName, status, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMicros(nanos)));
         public Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch() {
             protected void succeeded(long nanos, Description description) {
                 logInfo(description, "succeeded", nanos);
             protected void failed(long nanos, Throwable e, Description description) {
                 logInfo(description, "failed", nanos);
             protected void skipped(long nanos, AssumptionViolatedException e, Description description) {
                 logInfo(description, "skipped", nanos);
             protected void finished(long nanos, Description description) {
                 logInfo(description, "finished", nanos);
         public void succeeds() {
         public void fails() {
         public void skips() {
    An example to assert runtime:
     public void performanceTest() throws InterruptedException {
         long delta = 30;
         assertEquals(300d, stopwatch.runtime(MILLISECONDS), delta);
         assertEquals(800d, stopwatch.runtime(MILLISECONDS), delta);
    • 构造器详细资料

    • 方法详细资料

      • runtime

        public long runtime​(TimeUnit unit)
        Gets the runtime for the test.
        unit - time unit for returned runtime
        runtime measured during the test
      • succeeded

        protected void succeeded​(long nanos,
                                 Description description)
        Invoked when a test succeeds
      • finished

        protected void finished​(long nanos,
                                Description description)
        Invoked when a test method finishes (whether passing or failing)
      • apply

        public final Statement apply​(Statement base,
                                     Description description)
        从接口复制的说明: TestRule
        Modifies the method-running Statement to implement this test-running rule.
        apply 在接口中 TestRule
        base - The Statement to be modified
        description - A Description of the test implemented in base
        a new statement, which may be the same as base, a wrapper around base, or a completely new Statement.