接口 JobExecutionDao

    • 方法详细资料

      • saveJobExecution

        void saveJobExecution​(JobExecution jobExecution)
        Save a new JobExecution. Preconditions: jobInstance the jobExecution belongs to must have a jobInstanceId.
        jobExecution - JobExecution instance to be saved.
      • updateJobExecution

        void updateJobExecution​(JobExecution jobExecution)
        Update and existing JobExecution. Preconditions: jobExecution must have an Id (which can be obtained by the save method) and a jobInstanceId.
        jobExecution - JobExecution instance to be updated.
      • findRunningJobExecutions

        java.util.Set<JobExecutionfindRunningJobExecutions​(java.lang.String jobName)
        jobName - String containing the name of the job.
        all JobExecution that are still running (or indeterminate state), i.e. having null end date, for the specified job name.
      • synchronizeStatus

        void synchronizeStatus​(JobExecution jobExecution)
        Because it may be possible that the status of a JobExecution is updated while running, the following method will synchronize only the status and version fields.
        jobExecution - to be updated.