类 DefaultCacheStatistics

    • 方法详细资料

      • getHitRatio

        public Double getHitRatio()
        从接口复制的说明: CacheStatistics
        Return the ratio of cache requests which were hits as a value between 0 and 1 where 0 means that the hit ratio is 0% and 1 means it is 100%.

        This may also return null if the cache-specifics statistics does not provide the necessary information

        getHitRatio 在接口中 CacheStatistics
        the hit ratio or null
      • getMissRatio

        public Double getMissRatio()
        从接口复制的说明: CacheStatistics
        Return the ratio of cache requests which were misses as value between 0 and 1 where 0 means that the miss ratio is 0% and 1 means it is 100%.

        This may also return null if the cache-specifics statistics does not provide the necessary information

        getMissRatio 在接口中 CacheStatistics
        the miss ratio or null