002 * Copyright 2012-2017 the original author or authors.
003 *
004 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009 *
010 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 * limitations under the License.
015 */
017package org.springframework.boot.maven;
019import java.io.File;
020import java.io.IOException;
021import java.util.ArrayList;
022import java.util.List;
023import java.util.Properties;
024import java.util.Set;
026import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
027import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency;
028import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
029import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
030import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component;
031import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase;
032import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
033import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
034import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.ResolutionScope;
035import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
036import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectHelper;
037import org.apache.maven.shared.artifact.filter.collection.ArtifactsFilter;
038import org.apache.maven.shared.artifact.filter.collection.ScopeFilter;
040import org.springframework.boot.loader.tools.DefaultLaunchScript;
041import org.springframework.boot.loader.tools.LaunchScript;
042import org.springframework.boot.loader.tools.Layout;
043import org.springframework.boot.loader.tools.LayoutFactory;
044import org.springframework.boot.loader.tools.Layouts;
045import org.springframework.boot.loader.tools.Libraries;
046import org.springframework.boot.loader.tools.Repackager;
047import org.springframework.boot.loader.tools.Repackager.MainClassTimeoutWarningListener;
050 * Repackages existing JAR and WAR archives so that they can be executed from the command
051 * line using {@literal java -jar}. With <code>layout=NONE</code> can also be used simply
052 * to package a JAR with nested dependencies (and no main class, so not executable).
053 *
054 * @author Phillip Webb
055 * @author Dave Syer
056 * @author Stephane Nicoll
057 */
058@Mojo(name = "repackage", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.PACKAGE, requiresProject = true, threadSafe = true, requiresDependencyResolution = ResolutionScope.COMPILE_PLUS_RUNTIME, requiresDependencyCollection = ResolutionScope.COMPILE_PLUS_RUNTIME)
059public class RepackageMojo extends AbstractDependencyFilterMojo {
061        /**
062         * The Maven project.
063         * @since 1.0
064         */
065        @Parameter(defaultValue = "${project}", readonly = true, required = true)
066        private MavenProject project;
068        /**
069         * Maven project helper utils.
070         * @since 1.0
071         */
072        @Component
073        private MavenProjectHelper projectHelper;
075        /**
076         * Directory containing the generated archive.
077         * @since 1.0
078         */
079        @Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.build.directory}", required = true)
080        private File outputDirectory;
082        /**
083         * Name of the generated archive.
084         * @since 1.0
085         */
086        @Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.build.finalName}", required = true)
087        private String finalName;
089        /**
090         * Skip the execution.
091         * @since 1.2
092         */
093        @Parameter(property = "skip", defaultValue = "false")
094        private boolean skip;
096        /**
097         * Classifier to add to the artifact generated. If given, the artifact will be
098         * attached with that classifier and the main artifact will be deployed as the main
099         * artifact. If this is not given (default), it will replace the main artifact and
100         * only the repackaged artifact will be deployed. Attaching the artifact allows to
101         * deploy it alongside to the original one, see <a href=
102         * "http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-deploy-plugin/examples/deploying-with-classifiers.html"
103         * > the maven documentation for more details</a>.
104         * @since 1.0
105         */
106        @Parameter
107        private String classifier;
109        /**
110         * Attach the repackaged archive to be installed and deployed.
111         * @since 1.4
112         */
113        @Parameter(defaultValue = "true")
114        private boolean attach = true;
116        /**
117         * The name of the main class. If not specified the first compiled class found that
118         * contains a 'main' method will be used.
119         * @since 1.0
120         */
121        @Parameter
122        private String mainClass;
124        /**
125         * The type of archive (which corresponds to how the dependencies are laid out inside
126         * it). Possible values are JAR, WAR, ZIP, DIR, NONE. Defaults to a guess based on the
127         * archive type.
128         * @since 1.0
129         */
130        @Parameter
131        private LayoutType layout;
133        /**
134         * The layout factory that will be used to create the executable archive if no
135         * explicit layout is set. Alternative layouts implementations can be provided by 3rd
136         * parties.
137         * @since 1.5
138         */
139        @Parameter
140        private LayoutFactory layoutFactory;
142        /**
143         * A list of the libraries that must be unpacked from fat jars in order to run.
144         * Specify each library as a <code>&lt;dependency&gt;</code> with a
145         * <code>&lt;groupId&gt;</code> and a <code>&lt;artifactId&gt;</code> and they will be
146         * unpacked at runtime.
147         * @since 1.1
148         */
149        @Parameter
150        private List<Dependency> requiresUnpack;
152        /**
153         * Make a fully executable jar for *nix machines by prepending a launch script to the
154         * jar. <br/>
155         * Currently, some tools do not accept this format so you may not always be able to
156         * use this technique. For example, <code>jar -xf</code> may silently fail to extract
157         * a jar or war that has been made fully-executable. It is recommended that you only
158         * enable this option if you intend to execute it directly, rather than running it
159         * with <code>java -jar</code> or deploying it to a servlet container.
160         * @since 1.3
161         */
162        @Parameter(defaultValue = "false")
163        private boolean executable;
165        /**
166         * The embedded launch script to prepend to the front of the jar if it is fully
167         * executable. If not specified the 'Spring Boot' default script will be used.
168         * @since 1.3
169         */
170        @Parameter
171        private File embeddedLaunchScript;
173        /**
174         * Properties that should be expanded in the embedded launch script.
175         * @since 1.3
176         */
177        @Parameter
178        private Properties embeddedLaunchScriptProperties;
180        /**
181         * Exclude Spring Boot devtools from the repackaged archive.
182         * @since 1.3
183         */
184        @Parameter(defaultValue = "true")
185        private boolean excludeDevtools = true;
187        /**
188         * Include system scoped dependencies.
189         * @since 1.4
190         */
191        @Parameter(defaultValue = "false")
192        public boolean includeSystemScope;
194        @Override
195        public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
196                if (this.project.getPackaging().equals("pom")) {
197                        getLog().debug("repackage goal could not be applied to pom project.");
198                        return;
199                }
200                if (this.skip) {
201                        getLog().debug("skipping repackaging as per configuration.");
202                        return;
203                }
204                repackage();
205        }
207        private void repackage() throws MojoExecutionException {
208                File source = this.project.getArtifact().getFile();
209                File target = getTargetFile();
210                Repackager repackager = getRepackager(source);
211                Set<Artifact> artifacts = filterDependencies(this.project.getArtifacts(),
212                                getFilters(getAdditionalFilters()));
213                Libraries libraries = new ArtifactsLibraries(artifacts, this.requiresUnpack,
214                                getLog());
215                try {
216                        LaunchScript launchScript = getLaunchScript();
217                        repackager.repackage(target, libraries, launchScript);
218                }
219                catch (IOException ex) {
220                        throw new MojoExecutionException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
221                }
222                updateArtifact(source, target, repackager.getBackupFile());
223        }
225        private File getTargetFile() {
226                String classifier = (this.classifier == null ? "" : this.classifier.trim());
227                if (classifier.length() > 0 && !classifier.startsWith("-")) {
228                        classifier = "-" + classifier;
229                }
230                if (!this.outputDirectory.exists()) {
231                        this.outputDirectory.mkdirs();
232                }
233                return new File(this.outputDirectory, this.finalName + classifier + "."
234                                + this.project.getArtifact().getArtifactHandler().getExtension());
235        }
237        private Repackager getRepackager(File source) {
238                Repackager repackager = new Repackager(source, this.layoutFactory);
239                repackager.addMainClassTimeoutWarningListener(
240                                new LoggingMainClassTimeoutWarningListener());
241                repackager.setMainClass(this.mainClass);
242                if (this.layout != null) {
243                        getLog().info("Layout: " + this.layout);
244                        if (this.layout == LayoutType.MODULE) {
245                                getLog().warn("Module layout is deprecated. Please use a custom"
246                                                + " LayoutFactory instead.");
247                        }
248                        repackager.setLayout(this.layout.layout());
249                }
250                return repackager;
251        }
253        private ArtifactsFilter[] getAdditionalFilters() {
254                List<ArtifactsFilter> filters = new ArrayList<ArtifactsFilter>();
255                if (this.excludeDevtools) {
256                        Exclude exclude = new Exclude();
257                        exclude.setGroupId("org.springframework.boot");
258                        exclude.setArtifactId("spring-boot-devtools");
259                        ExcludeFilter filter = new ExcludeFilter(exclude);
260                        filters.add(filter);
261                }
262                if (!this.includeSystemScope) {
263                        filters.add(new ScopeFilter(null, Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM));
264                }
265                return filters.toArray(new ArtifactsFilter[filters.size()]);
266        }
268        private LaunchScript getLaunchScript() throws IOException {
269                if (this.executable || this.embeddedLaunchScript != null) {
270                        return new DefaultLaunchScript(this.embeddedLaunchScript,
271                                        buildLaunchScriptProperties());
272                }
273                return null;
274        }
276        private Properties buildLaunchScriptProperties() {
277                Properties properties = new Properties();
278                if (this.embeddedLaunchScriptProperties != null) {
279                        properties.putAll(this.embeddedLaunchScriptProperties);
280                }
281                putIfMissing(properties, "initInfoProvides", this.project.getArtifactId());
282                putIfMissing(properties, "initInfoShortDescription", this.project.getName(),
283                                this.project.getArtifactId());
284                putIfMissing(properties, "initInfoDescription",
285                                removeLineBreaks(this.project.getDescription()), this.project.getName(),
286                                this.project.getArtifactId());
287                return properties;
288        }
290        private String removeLineBreaks(String description) {
291                return (description == null ? null : description.replaceAll("\\s+", " "));
292        }
294        private void putIfMissing(Properties properties, String key,
295                        String... valueCandidates) {
296                if (!properties.containsKey(key)) {
297                        for (String candidate : valueCandidates) {
298                                if (candidate != null && candidate.length() > 0) {
299                                        properties.put(key, candidate);
300                                        return;
301                                }
302                        }
303                }
304        }
306        private void updateArtifact(File source, File repackaged, File original) {
307                if (this.attach) {
308                        attachArtifact(source, repackaged);
309                }
310                else if (source.equals(repackaged)) {
311                        this.project.getArtifact().setFile(original);
312                        getLog().info("Updating main artifact " + source + " to " + original);
313                }
314        }
316        private void attachArtifact(File source, File repackaged) {
317                if (this.classifier != null) {
318                        getLog().info("Attaching archive: " + repackaged + ", with classifier: "
319                                        + this.classifier);
320                        this.projectHelper.attachArtifact(this.project, this.project.getPackaging(),
321                                        this.classifier, repackaged);
322                }
323                else if (!source.equals(repackaged)) {
324                        this.project.getArtifact().setFile(repackaged);
325                        getLog().info("Replacing main artifact " + source + " to " + repackaged);
326                }
327        }
329        /**
330         * Archive layout types.
331         */
332        public enum LayoutType {
334                /**
335                 * Jar Layout.
336                 */
337                JAR(new Layouts.Jar()),
339                /**
340                 * War Layout.
341                 */
342                WAR(new Layouts.War()),
344                /**
345                 * Zip Layout.
346                 */
347                ZIP(new Layouts.Expanded()),
349                /**
350                 * Dir Layout.
351                 */
352                DIR(new Layouts.Expanded()),
354                /**
355                 * Module Layout.
356                 * @deprecated as of 1.5 in favor of a custom {@link LayoutFactory}
357                 */
358                @Deprecated MODULE(new Layouts.Module()),
360                /**
361                 * No Layout.
362                 */
363                NONE(new Layouts.None());
365                private final Layout layout;
367                public Layout layout() {
368                        return this.layout;
369                }
371                LayoutType(Layout layout) {
372                        this.layout = layout;
373                }
375        }
377        private class LoggingMainClassTimeoutWarningListener
378                        implements MainClassTimeoutWarningListener {
380                @Override
381                public void handleTimeoutWarning(long duration, String mainMethod) {
382                        getLog().warn("Searching for the main-class is taking some time, "
383                                        + "consider using the mainClass configuration " + "parameter");
384                }
386        }