类 CacheMetricsRegistrar

    • 方法详细资料

      • bindCacheToRegistry

        public boolean bindCacheToRegistry​(org.springframework.cache.Cache cache,
                                           io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag... tags)
        Attempt to bind the specified Cache to the registry. Return true if the cache is supported and was bound to the registry, false otherwise.
        cache - the cache to handle
        tags - the tags to associate with the metrics of that cache
        true if the cache is supported and was registered
      • getAdditionalTags

        protected Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag> getAdditionalTags​(org.springframework.cache.Cache cache)
        Return additional tags to be associated with the given Cache.
        cache - the cache
        a list of additional tags to associate to that cache.