接口 ArtifactCoordinatesResolver

  • 所有已知实现类:

    public interface ArtifactCoordinatesResolver
    A resolver for artifacts' Maven coordinates, allowing group id, artifact id, or version to be obtained from a module identifier. A module identifier may be in the form groupId:artifactId:version, in which case coordinate resolution simply extracts the relevant piece from the identifier. Alternatively the identifier may be in the form artifactId, in which case coordinate resolution uses implementation-specific metadata to resolve the groupId and version.
    • 方法详细资料

      • getGroupId

        String getGroupId​(String module)
        Gets the group id of the artifact identified by the given module. Returns null if the artifact is unknown to the resolver.
        module - the id of the module
        the group id of the module
      • getArtifactId

        String getArtifactId​(String module)
        Gets the artifact id of the artifact identified by the given module. Returns null if the artifact is unknown to the resolver.
        module - the id of the module
        the artifact id of the module
      • getVersion

        String getVersion​(String module)
        Gets the version of the artifact identified by the given module. Returns null if the artifact is unknown to the resolver.
        module - the id of the module
        the version of the module