接口 ConfigurableWebServerFactory

    • 方法详细资料

      • setPort

        void setPort​(int port)
        Sets the port that the web server should listen on. If not specified port '8080' will be used. Use port -1 to disable auto-start (i.e start the web application context but not have it listen to any port).
        port - the port to set
      • setAddress

        void setAddress​(InetAddress address)
        Sets the specific network address that the server should bind to.
        address - the address to set (defaults to null)
      • setErrorPages

        void setErrorPages​(Set<? extends ErrorPage> errorPages)
        Sets the error pages that will be used when handling exceptions.
        errorPages - the error pages
      • setSsl

        void setSsl​(Ssl ssl)
        Sets the SSL configuration that will be applied to the server's default connector.
        ssl - the SSL configuration
      • setSslStoreProvider

        void setSslStoreProvider​(SslStoreProvider sslStoreProvider)
        Sets a provider that will be used to obtain SSL stores.
        sslStoreProvider - the SSL store provider
      • setHttp2

        void setHttp2​(Http2 http2)
        Sets the HTTP/2 configuration that will be applied to the server.
        http2 - the HTTP/2 configuration
      • setCompression

        void setCompression​(Compression compression)
        Sets the compression configuration that will be applied to the server's default connector.
        compression - the compression configuration
      • setServerHeader

        void setServerHeader​(String serverHeader)
        Sets the server header value.
        serverHeader - the server header value