接口 ScopedObject

    • 方法概要

      所有方法 实例方法 抽象方法 
      Return the current target object behind this scoped object proxy, in its raw form (as stored in the target scope).
      Remove this object from its target scope, for example from the backing session.
    • 方法详细资料

      • getTargetObject

        Object getTargetObject()
        Return the current target object behind this scoped object proxy, in its raw form (as stored in the target scope).

        The raw target object can for example be passed to persistence providers which would not be able to handle the scoped proxy object.

        the current target object behind this scoped object proxy
      • removeFromScope

        void removeFromScope()
        Remove this object from its target scope, for example from the backing session.

        Note that no further calls may be made to the scoped object afterwards (at least within the current thread, that is, with the exact same target object in the target scope).